Cause-Effect ___

To organize into a common group or category
Classification ___
What makes something happen and the result that occurs because of something else
Compare-Contrast ___
Usuallyorganized with a Venn diagram stating similarities and differences between two or more things

Relationships between events or phenomena where one event or phenomenon is compared or contrasted with another.

pick the answer in the box

Cause-Effect ___
To organize into a common group or category
Classification ___
What makes something happen and the result that occurs because of something else
Compare-Contrast ___
Usuallyorganized with a Venn diagram stating similarities and differences between two or more things

Cause-Effect - What makes something happen and the result that occurs because of something else

another one

Cause-Effect - What makes something happen and the result that occurs because of something else

I'm talking about Classfication

Apologies for the confusion. Classification refers to organizing or categorizing items into a common group or category based on shared characteristics or attributes.