Which type of energy transfer is shown in the picture?

(1 point)





The question mentions a picture, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to see or analyze visuals. Therefore, I am unable to determine the type of energy transfer shown in the picture without further information.

heater sends hot air up, cools off while circling around the room, then enters the rheater

Based on the information given, the type of energy transfer shown in the picture is convection. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluid or gas particles. In this case, the hot air rising from the heater and circulating around the room represents convection.

Use the table of temperatures measured in two areas of a house to answer the question.

Area Temperature (ÂșC)
downstairs 22
upstairs 26
Which statement best explains the temperature difference?

(1 point)

Energy is transferred between the areas when the molecules touch.
Energy is transferred between the areas when the molecules touch.

The cooler air downstairs loses energy to the environment.
The cooler air downstairs loses energy to the environment.

Energy from the cooler air is transferred upstairs.
Energy from the cooler air is transferred upstairs.

Warm air rises by convection to the upstairs.
Warm air rises by convection to the upstairs.
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The best statement that explains the temperature difference between the downstairs and upstairs areas is:

Warm air rises by convection to the upstairs.

This statement suggests that the temperature difference is due to the natural process of convection, where the warmer air moves upwards and transfers energy to the upstairs area.

Which option is an example of heat transfer by conduction?(1 point)


person getting warm from an electric blanket
person getting warm from an electric blanket

pavement heating up in the sun
pavement heating up in the sun

air conditioner cooling the room
air conditioner cooling the room

air getting warm from a radiator

The correct option that represents heat transfer by conduction is:

air getting warm from a radiator

Conduction is the process of heat transfer through direct contact between objects or substances. In this case, the air is getting warm by directly touching the hot surface of the radiator, which is an example of conduction.

The transfer of heat by direct contact is called _____(1 point)


vibrating molecules.
vibrating molecules.



kinetic energy.

The correct answer is:


Which sentence explains what it means for a claim to be debatable?(1 point)


It can be proven true or false.
It can be proven true or false.

It is something people could have differing opinions about.
It is something people could have differing opinions about.

It can be supported with evidence.
It can be supported with evidence.

It is based on facts that cannot be refuted.
It is based on facts that cannot be refuted.