In which two organs is food broken down?


small intestine and large intestine
small intestine and large intestine

mouth and stomach
mouth and stomach

esophagus and stomach
esophagus and stomach

esophagus and small intestine

esophagus and stomach

Which option shows the correct order of organization within multicellular organisms (from least complex to most complex)?


organ → organ system → cell → organism → tissue
organ → organ system → cell → organism → tissue

cell → organ → organ system → tissue → organism
cell → organ → organ system → tissue → organism

tissue → organ system → organ → organism → cell
tissue → organ system → organ → organism → cell

cell → tissue → organ → organ system → organism

cell → tissue → organ → organ system → organism

The correct answer is "mouth and stomach." Food is initially broken down in the mouth through the process of chewing and mixing it with saliva, which helps soften the food and initiate the digestion of carbohydrates. The food then passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. In the stomach, the food is further broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes, preparing it for absorption in the small intestine. So, in summary, the food is broken down in the mouth and then in the stomach.