Word formation for stomach and meaning in medical terms

Word formation for stomach:

1. Stomachic: adjective form of stomach, relating to or affecting the stomach.
Example: "She experienced stomachic pain after eating spicy food."

2. Stomachache: a noun representing pain or discomfort in the stomach.
Example: "He complained of a severe stomachache after eating the contaminated food."

3. Gastroduodenal: adjective form combining "gastro-" (meaning stomach) and "duodenal" (referring to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine that connects to the stomach).
Example: "An endoscopy revealed a gastroduodenal ulcer."

4. Gastralgia: noun representing pain in the stomach.
Example: "The patient experienced gastralgia, which was diagnosed as acid reflux."

5. Gastroenterology: noun representing the medical specialty that deals with stomach and intestinal disorders.
Example: "He decided to specialize in gastroenterology to study and treat diseases of the stomach and intestines."

Meaning in medical terms:
The stomach is a muscular organ located in the upper abdomen, responsible for storing and breaking down food through various digestive processes. Medical terms related to the stomach often refer to conditions, diseases, and treatments associated with the organ, such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, and gastric bypass surgery, among others.