Word formation for breast and meaning in medical terms

Word formation for breast:

1. Breastfeed - to feed a baby or young child with breast milk.
2. Breastfeeding - the act of providing breast milk to an infant or young child.
3. Breastbone - the bone located in the center of the chest, to which the ribs are attached.
4. Breastplate - a protective plate worn over the chest for armor or as part of a uniform.
5. Breast implant - a silicone or saline-filled prosthesis used to increase the size or shape of the breast.
6. Breast cancer - a type of cancer that forms in the cells of the breast.
7. Breast reduction - surgery to reduce the size of the breasts.
8. Breast augmentation - surgery to increase the size or change the shape of the breasts.
9. Breast lump - a localized swelling or bump in the breast tissue, often felt during breast self-examination.
10. Breast biopsy - the removal of a small sample of breast tissue for examination and diagnosis.

Meaning in medical terms:
In medical terms, the breast refers to the mammary glands in the upper ventral region of the body of a woman or a female mammal. It is responsible for producing and secreting milk for nourishing infants. The breast tissue is composed of glands, ducts, fatty tissue, and supporting connective tissue. Disorders and conditions related to breasts include breast cancer, mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue), fibroadenoma (benign breast tumor), breast cysts, and breast abscess, among others.