Which group was primarily associated with the Democratic Republicans?

(1 point)
• wealthy merchants
• enslaved African Americans
• manufacturing leaders
• small farmers

small farmers

Why did political tensions increase after the election of 1796?

(1 point)
• Jefferson lost support from farmers and abandoned his ideals.
• The elected president and vice president were from opposing parties.
• Adams was outraged that he did not get to choose his vice president.
• Hamilton sided with Jefferson over foreign policy issues.Why did political tensions increase after the election of 1796?
(1 point)
• Jefferson lost support from farmers and abandoned his ideals.
• The elected president and vice president were from opposing parties.
• Adams was outraged that he did not get to choose his vice president.
• Hamilton sided with Jefferson over foreign policy issues.

The elected president and vice president were from opposing parties.

In his farewell address, what did Washington say about the U.S. forming alliances with specific European countries?

(1 point)
• It would be seen as a sign of disrespect.
• Other countries might also seek to form alliances.
O It might put peace and prosperity at risk.
• Other countries might boycott exports.

It might put peace and prosperity at risk.

The group primarily associated with the Democratic Republicans was small farmers.

To arrive at this answer, you can learn about the political affiliations of different groups during the early years of the United States. The Democratic Republicans, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, were a political party that emerged in the 1790s and was led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

To determine which group was primarily associated with the Democratic Republicans, you can consider the party's platform and support base. The Democratic Republicans believed in limited federal government, agrarian interests, a strict interpretation of the Constitution, and voiced concerns about the growing power of the wealthy elites.

Among the options provided, small farmers align most closely with the platform and support base of the Democratic Republicans. Small farmers were concerned about protecting their rights and economic interests, and they believed in a decentralized government that would prioritize agricultural needs.

While other groups like wealthy merchants, enslaved African Americans, and manufacturing leaders may have had their own political influences and interests, small farmers were considered more closely tied to the Democratic Republicans during this time period.