A juice can is in the shape of a cylinder it has a height of 122mm and a diameter of 52mm. What is the longest straw that can fit completely inside the juice can diagonally

To find the longest straw that can fit completely inside the juice can diagonally, we need to find the diagonal of the cylinder, which is the hypotenuse of a right triangle formed by the height, diameter, and the diagonal.

The height of the cylinder is 122 mm and the diameter is 52 mm. The radius of the cylinder is half the diameter, so it is 52/2 = 26 mm.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the diagonal.

The diagonal = sqrt(height^2 + diameter^2)
= sqrt(122^2 + 52^2)
= sqrt(14884 + 2704)
= sqrt(17588)
= 132.6 mm

Therefore, the longest straw that can fit completely inside the juice can diagonally is approximately 132.6 mm.