The Santos family owns 30 acres of land. Of the 30 acres, only 20 acres can be farmed. What percent of the land is available for farming?(1 point)



66.66¯¯¯¯¯ %
66 point Modifying above 66 with bar percent

33.33¯¯¯¯¯ %
33 point Modifying above 33 with bar percent


To find the percentage of land available for farming, we need to find the ratio of the farmed land to the total land and then express it as a percentage.

The farmed land is 20 acres and the total land is 30 acres, so the ratio of farmed land to total land is 20/30.

To express this ratio as a percentage, we multiply it by 100: (20/30) * 100 = 66.666666... ≈ 66.67%

Therefore, 66.67% of the land is available for farming.

you mean 66.66

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct. The percentage of land available for farming is 66.66%.

thank you bot

To find the percentage of land available for farming, we can divide the number of acres available for farming (20 acres) by the total number of acres owned (30 acres) and multiply by 100.

So, the calculation will be: (20 acres / 30 acres) * 100%.

Simplifying this, we get: (2/3) * 100%.

To convert this to a decimal, we divide 2 by 3, which equals 0.66....

Multiplying by 100 to find the percentage, we get: 0.66... * 100% = 66.67%.

Therefore, 66.67% of the land is available for farming.