All nations in the region depend on natural resources to supply manufacturing and trade. Vietnam is known for its low-low-costResponse area industry, which relies on low-cost labor. Malaysia produces semiconductors for Response area goods. Indonesia has large rubber and lumber industries. Singapore, located on the Strait of Malacca, has one of the busiest ports in the world and is a center of




I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is electronics.

It seems like you're mentioning different industries in various countries in the region.

Vietnam is known for its low-cost manufacturing industry. To find out more about this, you can search for information on Vietnam's industrial sector and its reliance on low-cost labor.

Malaysia, on the other hand, is known for its semiconductor industry. If you want to learn more about this, you can search for information about Malaysia's semiconductor sector and its role in producing goods for the given response area.

Indonesia has large rubber and lumber industries. To find out more about this, you can search for information on Indonesia's rubber and lumber industries, including their significance and contribution to the country's economy.

Singapore, being located on the Strait of Malacca, has one of the busiest ports in the world and is considered a center for various industries. It is known for industries such as garment manufacturing, aerospace, electronics, farming, and finance. If you want to learn more about Singapore's role in these sectors, you can search for information about each industry in Singapore separately to understand their significance and contributions to the economy.

By conducting individual searches for each country and industry, you will be able to find specific information about the mentioned sectors and their importance in the given response area.