Which phrase defines etymology? (1 point)


the spelling of a word
the spelling of a word

the pronunciation of a word
the pronunciation of a word

the history of a word
the history of a word

the part of speech of a word

the history of a word

Which can help readers define words?(1 point)


parts of speech
parts of speech

stressed syllables
stressed syllables


etymological patterns

etymological patterns


Which fact is true about all words with the root aer?(1 point)

They will all sound the same.
They will all sound the same.

They will all have the same meaning.
They will all have the same meaning.

They relate to breathing.
They relate to breathing.

They relate to air.

They relate to air.

Based on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal?(1 point)


a signal that is felt
a signal that is felt

a signal that is read
a signal that is read

a signal that is seen
a signal that is seen

a signal that is heard

a signal that is heard

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The correct response is "the history of a word." To determine this, you can break down the word "etymology" itself. "Etymo-" comes from the Greek word "etumon," meaning "true sense," and "-logy" is derived from the Greek word "logia," meaning "study" or "knowledge." So, etymology is the study or knowledge of the true sense or history of words.