Make the RUN LED(D10) toggle at every 3.5 Seconds (exact) interval using one of the Timer (Timer 1) module on Explorer 16.

Use this code:
unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

int main(void){
TRISA = 0x00; // Set PORTA as output
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set SW3 input

int i;
int j;

while(1) {

// Knight Rider pattern from Left to Right direction
for(i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
LATA = (1 << i);

// Knight Rider pattern: Left to Right or Right to Left depending on SW3 state
if (PORTDbits.RD6 == 0) {
for(j = 6; j >= 0; j--) {
LATA = (1 << j);
} else {
for( j = 0; j <= 7; j++) {
LATA = (1 << j);
return -1;

void delayFunc(void)
int j,k;
int a;

for(j = 0; j < count1; j++)
for(k=0; k < count2; k++)
a = 0;

To make the RUN LED (D10) toggle at every 3.5 second interval using Timer 1 on the Explorer 16 board, you can modify the code as follows:

#include <xc.h>

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;
unsigned int timerValue = 0;

int main(void) {
TRISA = 0x00; // Set PORTA as output
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set SW3 input

// Configure Timer 1
T1CONbits.TON = 0; // Turn off Timer 1
T1CONbits.TCS = 0; // Select internal clock source (Fosc/4)
T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11; // Set Timer 1 prescaler to 1:256
PR1 = 13750; // Set Timer 1 period for 3.5 second interval (Fosc/4 / 256 = 13.75 kHz, 3.5 s / (1 / 13.75 kHz) = 481250, 481250 / 2 = 13750)
T1CONbits.TON = 1; // Turn on Timer 1

int i;
int j;

while (1) {
// Check if Timer 1 interrupt flag is set
if (IFS0bits.T1IF) {
// Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;

timerValue++; // Increment the timer value

// Knight Rider pattern from Left to Right direction
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
LATA = (1 << i);

// Knight Rider pattern: Left to Right or Right to Left depending on SW3 state
if (PORTDbits.RD6 == 0) {
for (j = 6; j >= 0; j--) {
LATA = (1 << j);
} else {
for (j = 0; j <= 7; j++) {
LATA = (1 << j);

return -1;

void delayFunc(void) {
int j,k;
int a;

for (j = 0; j < count1; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < count2; k++) {
a = 0;

In this code, Timer 1 is configured to have a period of 3.5 seconds. Inside the while loop, we check if the Timer 1 interrupt flag is set, indicating that the 3.5 second interval has passed. If the flag is set, the LED pattern is toggled as before.