Consider the scenario again of a driverless car as referred to on the previous page, where the SelfDrivable interface has three methods, namely setLocation(), drive() and wakeMe(). The myVW class implements SelfDrivable.

Using any application of your choice, write a Java program to depict the above scenario.

Sure! Here's a Java program that depicts the scenario of a driverless car using the SelfDrivable interface and the myVW class:

// SelfDrivable interface
interface SelfDrivable {
void setLocation(String location);
void drive();
void wakeMe();

// myVW class implementing SelfDrivable interface
class myVW implements SelfDrivable {
private String location;

public void setLocation(String location) {
this.location = location;
System.out.println("Location set to: " + location);

public void drive() {
if (location != null) {
System.out.println("Driving to " + location);
} else {
System.out.println("Location not set. Please set location first.");

public void wakeMe() {
System.out.println("Waking up the car. Ready to drive!");

// Main class with example usage
public class DriverlessCarExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a myVW object
myVW car = new myVW();

// Set car location and drive
car.setLocation("Destination A");;

// Set car location and drive again
car.setLocation("Destination B");;

// Try driving without setting location;

// Wake up the car

Location set to: Destination A
Driving to Destination A
Location set to: Destination B
Driving to Destination B
Location not set. Please set location first.
Waking up the car. Ready to drive!

In this program, the `SelfDrivable` interface declares three methods: `setLocation()`, `drive()`, and `wakeMe()`. The `myVW` class implements this interface and provides the implementation for each method.

In the `DriverlessCarExample` class, we create an instance of `myVW`, set the car location, and simulate driving. We also demonstrate the behavior when attempting to drive without setting the location and waking up the car.

Feel free to experiment with this code and modify it according to your needs!