Use the image to answer the question.

A map shows a grid 17 units across and 12 units high, superimposed over shapes that represent streets and buildings. A key lists buildings located in Washington D.C. that correspond to points on the grid. Point A represents the White House. It is located at 4 units across from the left, and 3 units down from the top. Point B represents the Washington Monument, located at 5 units across and 9 units down. Point C represents the Natural History Museum, and is located at approximately 8 units across and 8 units down. Point D represents the Smithsonian, and is located at 10 units across and 10 units down. Point E represents the National Portrait Gallery, and is located at 12 units across and 3 units down. Point F represents the National Gallery of Art, and is located at 14 units across and 8 units down. A scale shows 200 feet and 200 meters.

Find the length between landmark A and landmark E .

(1 point)

The length between landmark A and landmark E can be found by counting the units across and down for each landmark and using the given scale to convert the units into feet or meters.

From landmark A, we move 12 units across and 3 units down to reach landmark E.

Using the given scale of 200 feet and 200 meters, we can convert the units:

12 units * (200 feet / 17 units) = 141.18 feet

So, the length between landmark A and landmark E is approximately 141.18 feet.