A theater group is having a carwash fundraiser. The group can only spend $34 on soap, which is enough to wash 44 cars. Each car is charged $5.

If c is the total number of cars washed and p is the profit, write an equation that shows the relationship.

To write an equation that shows the relationship between the total number of cars washed and the profit, we can use the given information.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. The group can only spend $34 on soap.
2. This amount of soap is enough to wash 44 cars.
3. Each car is charged $5.

To find the profit, we need to subtract the cost of soap from the total revenue.

Let c represent the total number of cars washed.
The revenue from washing cars would be the price charged per car multiplied by the total number of cars, which is 5c.
The cost of soap would be $34.

Now, we can write the equation by subtracting the cost of soap from the revenue:

Profit (p) = Revenue - Cost of soap
p = 5c - 34

Therefore, the equation that shows the relationship between the total number of cars washed (c) and the profit (p) is p = 5c - 34.