Analyze the reason that the Supreme Court found the burning of a flag to be protected free speech as it did in Texas v. Johnson.(1 point)


This action, if done on private property, is within the rights of a private citizen.
This action, if done on private property, is within the rights of a private citizen.

This action did not defame or insult anyone. It created no harm.
This action did not defame or insult anyone. It created no harm.

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.
This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

This action is legal as long as it is done in a respectful manner in order to dispose of an old flag.

chose an option!!!

The correct option is:

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.


The Supreme Court found that the burning of a flag is protected free speech because it is considered symbolic speech. In the case Texas v. Johnson, the defendant, Gregory Lee Johnson, burned the American flag as a form of protest during the 1984 Republican National Convention. The Court ruled that Johnson's act of flag burning was expressive conduct and fell under the umbrella of protected speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.

The Court's reasoning was based on the understanding that the act of burning the flag was a form of symbolic expression and an exercise of political speech. Symbolic speech refers to actions or conduct that convey a particular message or viewpoint. In this case, Johnson's act symbolized his disagreement with the government and his protest against certain policies.

The Court emphasized that the government cannot prohibit or compel certain forms of expression based on the content of the message. Even though flag burning might be condemned as disrespectful or offensive to some, the Court determined that society's strong interest in safeguarding freedom of speech outweighed any potential offense caused by this form of expression.

Therefore, the Supreme Court found that the act of burning a flag as a form of protest falls within the realm of protected free speech under the First Amendment.

are you sure????

I apologize for any confusion caused. The correct option is:

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

Based on the options provided, the correct response to analyze the reason the Supreme Court found the burning of a flag to be protected free speech in Texas v. Johnson is:

- This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

To understand this reasoning, we need to consider the case of Texas v. Johnson. In this case, Gregory Lee Johnson burned an American flag during a political demonstration. He was arrested and charged with violating a Texas law that prohibited desecration of the flag. The case eventually reached the Supreme Court.

The Court's decision in Texas v. Johnson, handed down in 1989, established that burning the flag is a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Court reasoned that the act of burning the flag was a deliberate and expressive act that conveyed a particular viewpoint. By engaging in this act, Gregory Lee Johnson was expressing his disagreement with certain government policies. The Court recognized that the flag itself was a powerful symbol of the nation and the government, and Johnson's act of burning it served as a potent expression of his dissent.

In its ruling, the Court emphasized the importance of protecting even unpopular or offensive forms of expression, as long as they do not incite violence or pose a clear and present danger. The act of burning the flag, despite being disrespectful and offensive to many, was deemed to be expressive conduct that fell within the realm of protected free speech.

It is important to note that this analysis is based on the actual Supreme Court decision and legal interpretation. It is not a personal opinion or endorsement of flag burning as a form of expression.