A traditional choclate cake recipe calls for 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of butter, 1 pound of eggs, and 1 pound of flour. what percent of ta chocolate cake is flour? Show your work

A 4%
B 14%
C 16%
D 25%

To find the percentage of flour in the chocolate cake, we need to calculate the ratio of flour to the total weight of the cake:

Weight of flour = 1 pound

Total weight of the cake = 1 pound of sugar + 1 pound of butter + 1 pound of eggs + 1 pound of flour = 4 pounds

Percentage of flour = (Weight of flour / Total weight of the cake) * 100
= (1 / 4) * 100
= 25%

Therefore, the percentage of flour in the chocolate cake is 25%.

Answer: D) 25%