The indus valley civilization use the Indus river for what

The Indus Valley civilization used the Indus River for various purposes, including:

1. Agriculture: The civilization relied heavily on the river for irrigation and agricultural purposes. They developed sophisticated systems of canal networks to divert water from the river to their fields, allowing for the cultivation of crops like wheat, barley, and cotton.

2. Trade and transportation: The Indus River served as a major trade route for the civilization. They used boats and rafts to transport goods and people along the river, facilitating trade with neighboring regions and distant lands.

3. Water supply: The Indus River provided a crucial source of drinking water for the inhabitants of the civilization. It also supported the growth of various aquatic plants and animals, which could be used as a food source.

4. Domestic and industrial use: The river would have been used for various domestic purposes such as bathing, washing clothes, and cooking. Additionally, the Indus Valley people may have utilized the river's water for industrial processes such as pottery making and metalworking.

Overall, the Indus River played a vital role in sustaining and facilitating the development of the Indus Valley civilization.