Write a analysis of perfectly imperfect by Donna Bozzone use the following prompts to guide your response 1. Write a paragraph in which you analyze the text structure of the informational text. Identify the text structure explain how you identified it tell how the authors choice of structure helped u as a reader.2.Write a paragraph in which you analyze the authors purpose and point of view explain how you determined the authors point of view tell how thinking about the authors purpose and point of view helped you understand the topic .3. Write a paragraph in which you analyze how the author distinguished their position from other positions explain what you learned from thinking about the different positions give examples from the text

1. The text structure of "Perfectly Imperfect" by Donna Bozzone can be identified as a descriptive essay. Throughout the text, the author provides detailed descriptions of various imperfections found in nature, objects, and people. The use of vivid language and imagery helps the reader to visualize these imperfections and understand the beauty behind them. The author's choice of structure, in this case, allows the reader to engage with the content and appreciate the uniqueness in imperfections.

2. The author's purpose in "Perfectly Imperfect" is to change the reader's perception of imperfections and celebrate them as something valuable. The author's point of view can be determined by analyzing the tone and language used throughout the text. Bozzone showcases a positive and accepting attitude towards imperfections, framing them as beautiful and extraordinary. By understanding the author's purpose and point of view, readers gain a deeper understanding of the topic of imperfections and are encouraged to embrace them rather than seek perfection.

3. In "Perfectly Imperfect," the author distinguishes their position from other positions by emphasizing the beauty and value of imperfections, while contrasting it with society's obsession with perfection. By discussing various examples from nature, such as misshapen flowers or cracked seashells, Bozzone highlights how imperfections can often be seen as unique and extraordinary features. This distinguishes the author's position from those who view imperfections negatively or as flaws to be fixed. By thinking about the different positions presented, readers learn to appreciate and celebrate imperfections in a world that often promotes conformity and flawless appearance.