for Dred Scott

Accessories (describe at least two accessories your funko pop would come with)

1) A miniature replica of the Confederate flag: As the Dred Scott case was a pivotal moment in American history that dealt with the issue of slavery, one possible accessory for the Dred Scott Funko Pop could be a small replica of the Confederate flag. This accessory would symbolize the era and context in which the case occurred and would serve as a reminder of the contentious social and political climate of the time.

2) A miniature Supreme Court gavel: The Dred Scott case was eventually heard and decided by the United States Supreme Court. To emphasize the significance of this legal milestone, the Dred Scott Funko Pop could come with a tiny replica of the Supreme Court gavel. This accessory would represent the crucial role played by the judicial system and highlight the impact of the Supreme Court's decision on Scott's life and the nation as a whole.

anything else

3) A worn-out journal: Dred Scott himself played a crucial role in his case, as he and his wife Harriet had previously tried to secure their freedom through legal means. To represent this aspect of Scott's life and his determination to fight for his rights, an accessory could be a miniature worn-out journal or diary. This accessory would symbolize Scott's persistence and provide a glimpse into the personal struggles he faced during his pursuit of freedom.

4) A broken chain: Another accessory that could be included with the Dred Scott Funko Pop is a miniaturized broken chain. This accessory would serve as a powerful symbol of freedom and liberation, representing Scott's eventual victory in his legal battle against slavery. It would underscore the significance of his case and how it contributed to the dismantling of the institution of slavery in the United States.

anything else?

5) A small “Dred Scott v. Sandford” book: To emphasize the historical significance of the case and its lasting impact, the Dred Scott Funko Pop could also come with a tiny book titled "Dred Scott v. Sandford." This accessory would be a miniature replica of the court case transcript or a book dedicated to explaining the details and consequences of the case. It would serve as a visual representation of the legal battle and encourage further exploration and understanding of the historical event.

6) A pair of shackles: The Dred Scott Funko Pop could also include a pair of miniature shackles to highlight the harsh realities of slavery and the deprivation of freedom that Scott and many others experienced. This accessory would serve as a powerful reminder of the injustice and oppression that Scott sought to overcome through his legal fight. It would portray the resilience and courage of enslaved individuals like Scott who yearned for liberation.

To determine what accessories a Dred Scott Funko Pop might come with, we need to consider some information about the historical figure and use our imagination. However, it's important to note that Dred Scott was not a character from popular culture like a movie or TV show, so there might not be an official Funko Pop of him.

If we were to create a Dred Scott Funko Pop with accessories, here are two possibilities:

1. Law Book: Dred Scott was a central figure in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case "Dred Scott v. Sandford" in 1857. He sued for his freedom, claiming that he should be considered free since he temporarily lived in free territories. The case had significant implications for slavery in the United States. An accessory that would represent this historical significance could be a tiny open law book, symbolizing his legal battle for freedom.

2. Shackles: Another accessory idea could be a miniature pair of shackles or chains. Dred Scott was initially held as a slave, and his fight for freedom was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court. Including shackles with the Funko Pop would remind us of the oppression and injustice that Scott endured during his lifetime.

Remember, creating a custom Funko Pop with specific accessories is a creative process that involves designing and manufacturing the figurine. This answer is purely speculative, as there might not be an official Dred Scott Funko Pop available.