What happened during the rollback of reconstruction? (Check all that apply.) (1 point)

Reduced the percentage of black registered voters by 99% in many places.
By 1900, had reduced the number of black representatives in congress to one
The Supreme Court ruled that segregation and disfranchisement did not violate the 14th and 15th amendments
Created barriers for black men to vote

- Reduced the percentage of black registered voters by 99% in many places.

- By 1900, had reduced the number of black representatives in Congress to one.
- The Supreme Court ruled that segregation and disfranchisement did not violate the 14th and 15th amendments.
- Created barriers for black men to vote.

What did the civil rights of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965 accomplish

Legally desegregated businesses and government employment
Created new constitutional amendments to uphold civil rights
Ended racism in the us
Outlined Jim Crow-era suppression of the black vote.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 accomplished the following:

- Legally desegregated businesses and government employment: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in public places, schools, and employment.

- Created new constitutional amendments to uphold civil rights: No new amendments were created, but these acts reinforced and enforced existing constitutional rights of equality and protection.

- Ended racism in the US: While these acts were significant steps towards addressing racial discrimination, they did not completely eradicate racism in the US.

- Outlined Jim Crow-era suppression of the black vote: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 aimed to enforce the 15th Amendment and eliminate discriminatory practices that were used to suppress black voting, such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and other barriers.

To answer this question, we need to understand what the rollback of reconstruction refers to. Reconstruction was a period following the American Civil War, from 1865 to 1877, during which efforts were made to rebuild the southern states and integrate freed slaves into society. The rollback of reconstruction refers to the subsequent reversal of many of these accomplishments and the reestablishment of white dominance in the South.

Now, let's go through each statement to determine which ones apply to the rollback of reconstruction:

1. Reduced the percentage of black registered voters by 99% in many places:
During the rollback of reconstruction, various methods were used to suppress the black vote, including poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation. These measures greatly reduced the number of African Americans who were able to register to vote. Therefore, this statement is true.

2. By 1900, had reduced the number of black representatives in Congress to one:
During the period of reconstruction, several African Americans were elected and served as representatives in Congress. However, as the rollback of reconstruction took place, various legal and social barriers were implemented to prevent black individuals from holding political office. By 1900, the number of black representatives had indeed dropped to only one. Therefore, this statement is true.

3. The Supreme Court ruled that segregation and disfranchisement did not violate the 14th and 15th amendments:
The Supreme Court made a series of rulings, including the infamous Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896, which established the "separate but equal" doctrine. This decision allowed for racial segregation as long as the separate facilities were deemed equal. In terms of disfranchisement, the Court did not explicitly rule on it, but their rulings and lack of action indirectly enabled discriminatory voting practices. Therefore, this statement is true.

4. Created barriers for black men to vote:
As mentioned earlier, the rollback of reconstruction led to the implementation of various discriminatory practices, including poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation. These measures were specifically designed to create barriers for black men to exercise their right to vote. Therefore, this statement is true.

In conclusion, all of the statements apply to the rollback of reconstruction.