What is an opposing claim?(1 point)

facts that support a claim
an introduction to a claim
a claim supporting the author's claim
a claim countering the author's claim

a claim countering the author's claim

thats right?

Yes, that is correct. An opposing claim is a claim that counterarguments or opposes the author's main claim or argument.

An opposing claim refers to a claim that presents an alternative viewpoint or perspective that contradicts or opposes the author's claim. It is a claim that challenges the original claim being made. To identify an opposing claim, you need to analyze the text or argument and look for statements or evidence that contradict or counter the author's main idea or argument. Look for phrases like "however," "on the other hand," or "contrary to," as they often indicate the introduction of an opposing claim. By examining the argument from multiple perspectives, it becomes possible to have a more comprehensive understanding of the topic or issue at hand.