In order to expand agriculture and simulate a sagging economy, the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracks of rainforest to be cut down or burned in three sentences construct of potential chain of consequences, for what can happen as a result of this kind of deforestation the chain does not have to be linear, but can have several branches one for each different potential consequence. Your change should include at least four steps, including the original event. Explain in 4 sentences

As a result of the Brazilian government easing environmental laws, large tracks of rainforest were cut down or burned, leading to a loss of biodiversity and destruction of habitats. This in turn could lead to an increase in the number of endangered species and a disruption of delicate ecosystems. Additionally, the deforestation could contribute to climate change by releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This could further exacerbate global warming and have detrimental impacts on weather patterns and agriculture.