3 things the federalist and democratic Republican Party did not agree on?

1. Size and power of the federal government: The Federalist Party believed in a strong central government and supported a broad interpretation of the Constitution's necessary and proper clause. On the other hand, the Democratic-Republican Party advocated for a limited role of the federal government, emphasizing states' rights and strict interpretation of the Constitution.

2. Economic policies: The Federalist Party supported a strong national economy based on manufacturing, trade, and banking. They promoted protective tariffs, a national bank, and government investment in infrastructure. In contrast, the Democratic-Republican Party focused on agrarianism, advocating for a decentralized economy with an emphasis on agriculture. They opposed protective tariffs and were skeptical of centralized banking.

3. Foreign relations: The Federalist Party favored close ties with Britain and saw them as crucial for trade and stability. They also supported a more active role for the federal government in foreign policy. Conversely, the Democratic-Republican Party sympathized with France during the French Revolution and harbored a suspicion of Britain. They advocated for a more isolationist policy and for the United States to avoid entanglements in European conflicts.