If you go on a trip and leave on Tuesday 7h 45 and return on Tuesday at 13h 10 on the same week .How long were you gone for?give your answer on days,hours anf minutes

To calculate the duration of the trip, we need to subtract the departure time from the return time.

Departure time: Tuesday 7h 45
Return time: Tuesday 13h 10

To make the calculation easier, let's convert both times to minutes.

Departure time in minutes: (Tuesday * 24 * 60) + (7 * 60) + 45 = 0 + 420 + 45 = 465 minutes
Return time in minutes: (Tuesday * 24 * 60) + (13 * 60) + 10 = 0 + 780 + 10 = 790 minutes

Now, let's find out the duration of the trip by subtracting the departure time from the return time.

Duration of the trip: 790 minutes - 465 minutes = 325 minutes.

Now, let's convert the duration back to days, hours, and minutes.

325 minutes can be divided into 5 hours and 25 minutes (since 60 minutes make 1 hour).

Therefore, you were gone for:
5 hours + 25 minutes = 5h 25 minutes.

To summarize, you were gone for 5 hours and 25 minutes.