Three characteristics are accomplishments of Dale bumpers

1) Dale Bumpers was known for his strong advocacy for education and his efforts to improve education in Arkansas. As the governor of Arkansas from 1971 to 1975, Bumpers increased state funding for education and implemented reforms to improve the quality of education in the state. He expanded preschool programs, increased teacher salaries, and promoted higher education opportunities for students.

2) Bumpers is often remembered for his role in the Watergate scandal as a member of the Senate Committee investigating President Richard Nixon. He played a crucial role in uncovering evidence against Nixon, which ultimately led to the president's resignation. Bumpers' actions during the Watergate scandal demonstrated his commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

3) Another characteristic accomplishment of Dale Bumpers was his dedication to environmental conservation. He was a strong advocate for environmental protection and played a key role in passing legislation to preserve and protect natural resources. Bumpers authored several landmark environmental bills, including the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, which protected rivers across the United States. His dedication to environmental issues earned him the reputation of being an environmental champion.