what type of propaganda is the following poster using? We can do it female poster




plain folks

The type of propaganda used in the "We Can Do It" poster is plain folks.

what type of propaganda is the following poster using? We can do it female poster


Glittering generalities


Card stacking

The type of propaganda used in the "We Can Do It" poster is testimonial.

To determine the type of propaganda used in the "We Can Do It" female poster, we need to analyze the different propaganda techniques at play.

The "We Can Do It" female poster is more commonly known as "Rosie the Riveter." It depicts a confident woman flexing her arm, with the slogan "We Can Do It!" The poster originated during World War II and was designed to encourage women to join the workforce and support the war effort.

Now, let's evaluate the possible propaganda techniques employed in this poster:

1. Testimonial: Testimonial is when a respected or famous person endorses a product, idea, or cause. In this case, the "We Can Do It" poster does not feature a specific individual endorsing or promoting anything. Therefore, testimonial is not the type of propaganda being used.

2. Bandwagon: Bandwagon is a technique that aims to create a sense of belonging and conformity by suggesting that "everyone is doing it," encouraging people to join in. While the "We Can Do It" poster does convey a sense of unity and collective action, it does not explicitly state that others are participating, nor does it suggest that people should conform. Thus, bandwagon is not the main propaganda technique being used.

3. Name-calling: Name-calling refers to using negative language or slurs to create an emotional response or denigrate others. The "We Can Do It" poster does not employ name-calling as it does not attack or criticize any group or individual.

4. Plain folks: The plain folks technique attempts to connect with the audience by presenting the communicator as an everyday person who shares their values and interests. Rosie the Riveter's portrayal as a confident, determined woman could be seen as an attempt to align with everyday women who were entering the workforce to support the war effort. Therefore, the plain folks technique seems to be a significant component of the propaganda in this poster.

In conclusion, the propaganda technique predominantly used in the "We Can Do It" female poster is the plain folks technique, which is aimed at creating a connection with everyday individuals and inspiring a sense of unity and empowerment.