the ice cream shops sells sundaes for $3 and bananas splits for $2 on a hot summer day the shore sold 2 more sundaes than bananas splits and made $31

Let's represent the number of sundaes sold as "x" and the number of banana splits sold as "y."

According to the problem, the ice cream shop sold 2 more sundaes than banana splits:
x = y + 2

The cost of each sundae is $3 and the cost of each banana split is $2:
3x + 2y = 31

We can use these two equations to solve for the values of x and y.

Substituting the value of x from the first equation into the second equation, we get:
3(y + 2) + 2y = 31
3y + 6 + 2y = 31
5y + 6 = 31
5y = 31 - 6
5y = 25
y = 5

Now we can substitute y = 5 into the equation x = y + 2 to find x:
x = 5 + 2
x = 7

Therefore, the ice cream shop sold 7 sundaes and 5 banana splits on this hot summer day.