Which ratio is equivalent to 978 ?(1 point)


Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction

Start Fraction 1 over 8 End Fraction

Start Fraction 3 over 26 End Fraction


Start Fraction 3 over 26 End Fraction


I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is 318.

To find the ratio that is equivalent to 978, we need to divide 978 by a common factor. Let's try each option and see which one gives us 978 when divided by the same common factor.

Option 1: 978 divided by 13 equals 75.69

Option 2: 978 divided by 18 equals 54.33

Option 3: 978 divided by 326 equals 3

Option 4: 978 divided by 318 equals 3.07

Only option 3 gives us a whole number when divided by the same common factor. Therefore, the ratio that is equivalent to 978 is:

Start Fraction 3 over 26 End Fraction