What is an opposing claim?(1 point)


a claim supporting the author's claim
a claim supporting the author's claim

an introduction to a claim
an introduction to a claim

facts that support a claim
facts that support a claim

a claim countering the author's claim

a claim countering the author's claim

are you sure

Yes, I am sure. An opposing claim is a claim that counters or contradicts the author's claim. It presents an alternative perspective or argument that challenges the validity or accuracy of the author's claim.

The correct answer is: a claim countering the author's claim.

To identify an opposing claim, you need to look for a statement or argument that contradicts or opposes the author's claim. In a written text, an opposing claim can be expressed as a counter-argument or a contrasting viewpoint. It is important to recognize opposing claims because they can provide a balanced and comprehensive understanding of a topic or issue. By considering different perspectives, you can evaluate the strength of the author's claim and develop a well-rounded view of the subject.