Why does Skurzynski open “Nethergrave” by describing how Jeremy accidentally scores a goal for the opposing soccer team?

(1 point)

to show that Jeremy is not very bright
to show that Jeremy is not very bright

to show why the coach should not have put Jeremy in the game
to show why the coach should not have put Jeremy in the game

to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing

to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing

Based on your knowledge of the word root chrono, something that is chronic

(1 point)

involves illness or disorder.
involves illness or disorder.

occurs repeatedly over time.
occurs repeatedly over time.

shows a cause-and-effect relationship.

occurs repeatedly over time.

Which of the following sentences is CORRECTLY punctuated?

(1 point)

On November 22 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and American history was forever altered.
On November 22 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and American history was forever altered.

On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.
On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

The correct answer is: to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing.

The opening scene of Skurzynski's "Nethergrave" describes how Jeremy accidentally scores a goal for the opposing soccer team. This event highlights Jeremy's lack of coordination and skill in the real world, thereby emphasizing his preference for the virtual world of the online game "Nethergrave." The purpose of this description is to establish Jeremy's social awkwardness and discomfort in the real world, setting the stage for the main theme of escapism and his ultimate decision to escape into the virtual world. By choosing this answer, you correctly recognized that the purpose of the description is to portray Jeremy's unease and embarrassment in the real world.