You have a gift card for your favorite clothing store for the amount of $60. You have found a shirt you want to buy that costs $15. If you don't want to spend more than the amount of the gift card, which of the following inequalities could be used to determine the amount you have left to spend? explain

The amount you have left to spend can be determined by subtracting the cost of the shirt you want to buy from the total amount of the gift card.

Let's assume the amount you have left to spend is represented by the variable x. The cost of the shirt is $15. The total amount of the gift card is $60.

To calculate the amount left to spend, you subtract the cost of the shirt from the total amount of the gift card:
x = $60 - $15

Simplifying the equation, you get:
x = $45

Therefore, the inequality that represents the amount you have left to spend is:
x ≤ $45

This inequality ensures that the amount you spend does not exceed the amount of the gift card.