Choice 2-Renewable Energy (Grade Level)

As a contribution to the website your environmentalist club is creating, you decide to write an argumentative essay that addresses the importance of renewable energy sources, such as wind energy. Your essay will be displayed on the website and will be read by students, teachers, and parents who visit the website.

Your assignment is to use the sources to write a multi-paragraph argumentative essay about the benefits of renewable energy sources. Make sure you establish an argumentative claim, address potential counterarguments, and support your claim from the sources you have read. Develop your ideas clearly and use our own words, except when quoting directly from the sources. Be sure to reference the sources by title or number when using details or facts directly from the sources

Title: The Importance of Wind Energy: Harnessing Renewable Power for a Sustainable Future

Renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, play a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable future. As the need for clean and sustainable energy becomes increasingly evident, it is imperative to explore and invest in alternative sources. This essay will argue that wind energy, in particular, offers numerous benefits when compared to traditional forms of energy generation, including environmental sustainability, job creation, and economic growth.

Body Paragraph 1:
Wind energy is an environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources. Unlike fossil fuels, wind power does not produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. According to the National Geographic article on wind energy (1): "Wind power emits no air pollution, unlike fossil fuel power sources." Wind farms have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions significantly and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. This clean energy source proves to be instrumental in combating global warming and improving air quality, ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for all.

Body Paragraph 2:
Despite certain criticisms, wind energy has proven to be a reliable and efficient source of power. One of the most significant counterarguments against wind energy is its intermittent nature, whereby it relies on the availability of wind. However, advances in technology, such as improved turbine designs and energy storage systems, have mitigated this limitation to a great extent (1). Additionally, wind farms can be strategically placed in areas with higher wind speeds, ensuring a consistent power supply. By addressing concerns and overcoming obstacles, wind energy continues to strengthen its position as a dependable and sustainable energy resource.

Body Paragraph 3:
Investing in wind energy not only benefits the planet but also brings economic advantages. The Department of Energy states on their website (2) that the wind energy industry supports over 100,000 jobs and billions in investments annually. Building and maintaining wind farms require a skilled workforce, promoting the creation of job opportunities. Additionally, wind energy projects contribute to economic growth in rural areas by providing lease payments to landowners and additional tax revenues for local communities. By shifting towards renewable energy sources, we can foster both environmental and economic sustainability.

Some argue that wind energy is expensive to implement, making it an impractical solution for energy production. However, costs associated with wind power have significantly decreased over the years, making it more affordable and competitive with traditional energy sources (1). The long-term benefits of wind energy, such as reduced environmental damage and improved public health, outweigh the initial investment required. Furthermore, government incentives, such as tax credits and subsidies, have made wind energy an economically feasible option for both large-scale projects and residential use.

Embracing renewable energy, particularly wind power, offers an array of benefits. By prioritizing wind energy, we can contribute to the fight against climate change, create jobs, and establish a sustainable and prosperous society. As we continue to rely less on finite fossil fuels, it is crucial to educate ourselves and support the development of renewable energy sources. Let us work together towards a future powered by clean and renewable energy, where both humanity and the environment thrive.

1. National Geographic: "Wind Energy Brings Clean, Renewable Power to Alabama" (natgeo-wind-energy-49407-article_only.pdf)
2. U.S. Department of Energy: "Renewable Energy" (

Make a part 2. Add more information to paragraphs 1,2,3, and 4


Renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, play a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable future. As the need for clean and sustainable energy becomes increasingly evident, it is imperative to explore and invest in alternative sources. This essay will argue that wind energy, in particular, offers numerous benefits when compared to traditional forms of energy generation, including environmental sustainability, job creation, economic growth, and energy independence.

Body Paragraph 1:
Wind energy is an environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources. Unlike fossil fuels, wind power does not produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. According to the National Geographic article on wind energy (1), wind turbines generate electricity without burning fuel, releasing pollutants, or producing harmful byproducts. Wind power provides an opportunity to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, thereby mitigating the negative impact on air quality and reducing the overall carbon footprint. In fact, evidence suggests that expanding wind energy could avoid millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, leading to cleaner and healthier environments for us and future generations.

Body Paragraph 2:
Despite criticisms, wind energy has proven to be a reliable and efficient source of power. One common counterargument is that wind power is intermittent, as it relies on the availability of wind. However, advancements in technology have addressed this concern. For instance, innovative turbine designs and improved forecasting systems allow for better prediction and management of wind energy generation (1). Moreover, the integration of energy storage systems, such as batteries, helps maintain a consistent supply of electricity even when wind speeds fluctuate. The reliability of wind energy continues to increase as we develop new techniques to optimize its output and utilization.

Body Paragraph 3:
Investing in wind energy not only benefits the planet but also brings economic advantages. The wind energy industry supports thousands of jobs and contributes significantly to local economies. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (2), wind energy projects have led to the creation of over 100,000 jobs across various sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and operations. These jobs not only provide stable employment opportunities but also stimulate economic growth in rural areas where wind farms are often located. Additionally, wind energy projects generate substantial revenue for landowners through lease payments for land use, boosting agricultural and rural economies. By embracing wind energy, we can create sustainable and inclusive economic development.

Body Paragraph 4:
Energy independence is another crucial benefit of wind energy. By diversifying our energy sources and relying more on renewable power, we reduce our dependence on foreign fossil fuels. Wind energy harnesses a domestic and abundant resource, effectively decreasing our reliance on imports and enhancing energy security. As the United States strives for energy independence, wind power contributes to reducing vulnerabilities associated with geopolitical conflicts and market volatility. Embracing wind energy not only promotes our autonomy and security but also strengthens our national economy by investing in domestic resources and reducing trade deficits.

Some argue that wind energy projects have negative impacts on wildlife, particularly birds and bats. While it is essential to acknowledge and address these concerns, studies suggest that the effects of wind farms on wildlife are generally manageable and outweighed by the environmental benefits they provide (1). Careful consideration of suitable locations, proper planning, and the use of wildlife-friendly designs are effective measures to minimize potential harm. Furthermore, ongoing research and technological advancements in this field aim to further mitigate any negative impacts on wildlife populations.

Embracing renewable energy, particularly wind power, offers a multitude of benefits. By prioritizing wind energy, we can contribute to the fight against climate change, create jobs, stimulate economic growth, improve energy security, and protect the environment. As we continue to prioritize sustainable energy practices and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, wind energy stands as a reliable and efficient alternative with immense potential. Let us work together towards a future powered by clean and renewable energy, where both humanity and the environment thrive.

1. National Geographic: "Wind Energy Brings Clean, Renewable Power to Alabama" (natgeo-wind-energy-49407-article_only.pdf)
2. U.S. Department of Energy: "Renewable Energy" (

Title: The Importance of Wind Energy: Harnessing Renewable Power for a Sustainable Future

In today's world, the pressing need for renewable energy sources has become more evident than ever. As the environmental movement gains momentum, it is vital that we prioritize the adoption of sustainable solutions, such as wind energy. Wind power offers numerous benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, energy independence, and job creation. This essay will argue for the significance of wind energy as a crucial component of our transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Argumentative Claim:
Wind energy is a crucial renewable resource that holds immense potential for mitigating climate change and fostering sustainable development.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
According to the National Geographic article "Wind Energy," wind power significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuel-based energy sources. It states that wind turbines produce zero emissions during operation, effectively mitigating the contribution to climate change. By shifting to wind energy, we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, alleviate air pollution, and combat the devastating effects of global warming.

2. Energy Independence:
Renewable energy sources, such as wind power, bring us closer to achieving energy independence. As highlighted in the U.S. Department of Energy article on "Renewable Energy," harnessing wind energy reduces our reliance on foreign oil and gas reserves. By diversifying our energy portfolio, we can decrease vulnerability to volatile energy markets, geopolitical conflicts, and price fluctuations. The inherent availability of wind, which is practically inexhaustible, allows us to tap into a reliable and abundant energy source.

3. Job Creation:
Investing in wind power not only benefits the environment but also creates new employment opportunities. The National Geographic article asserts that the wind energy sector has been rapidly expanding, leading to job growth in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. This growth stimulates local economies, particularly in rural areas rich in wind resources. By prioritizing the development of wind energy, we not only contribute to addressing the climate crisis but also bolster our economies and provide stable employment for countless individuals.

Some may argue that wind energy is unreliable due to its intermittency and variability. However, advancements in technology and the establishment of wind farms with grid integration have addressed these concerns. The article from the U.S. Department of Energy emphasizes the development of a robust grid infrastructure that matches energy supply with demand, maximizing wind energy utilization. Furthermore, innovations such as effective energy storage systems and improved forecasting techniques can further alleviate any issues associated with the intermittent nature of wind power.

Embracing wind energy as a prominent renewable resource is vital for a sustainable future. As our planet faces the challenges of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves, harnessing wind power is a viable solution. The reduced emissions, increased energy independence, and job creation associated with wind energy make it a clear choice for a more sustainable and resilient society. Let us take decisive action to fully embrace wind energy and pave the way for a greener and brighter future.

- National Geographic: "Wind Energy"
- U.S. Department of Energy: "Renewable Energy"