Which statement is true of all proteins

they are created by mutations in DNA
They carry oxygen in human blood
their main function is to cause mutations
their structure is related to their function

pick one

Their structure is related to their function

Which statement is accurate about dominant alleles

Dominant alleles are expressed phenotypically in the presence of both homozygous and heterozygous genotypes.

Which statement is accurate about dominant alleles

They are expressed only when a recessive allele is not present
They result in the trait of shortness in pea plants
They are indicated by lowercase letters
They are expressed whenever present

They are expressed whenever present

The statement that is true of all proteins is that their structure is related to their function.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options.

- "They are created by mutations in DNA" is not true of all proteins. While the sequence of amino acids that make up a protein is determined by the DNA sequence, not all proteins are created through mutations. Many proteins are produced through normal cellular processes like transcription and translation.
- "They carry oxygen in human blood" is not true of all proteins. While there are proteins like hemoglobin that carry oxygen in the blood, not all proteins have this function.
- "Their main function is to cause mutations" is not true of all proteins. Proteins have a wide range of functions in the body, including enzymatic activity, structural support, transport, signaling, and more.

On the other hand, the statement "their structure is related to their function" is universally true for all proteins. The unique three-dimensional structure of a protein determines how it interacts with other molecules and performs its specific function. Different protein structures allow for different functionalities and activities.