Brandon makes lemon water by adding 3/4 of a cup of sliced lemon to 2 cups of water. At this rate, how many cups of sliced lemon would he need to add to 12 cups of water?

To find the number of cups of sliced lemon needed, we can set up a proportion using the ratio of cups of lemon to cups of water.

The proportion is 3/4 cups of lemon / 2 cups of water = x cups of lemon / 12 cups of water.

Cross-multiplying, we get 2(x) = (3/4)(12).

Simplifying, we have 2x = 9.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find x = 4.5.

Therefore, Brandon would need to add 4.5 cups of sliced lemon to 12 cups of water.

For an employee training, the employee to instructor ratio is 18 to 2. If there are 36 instructors for the training, how many employees participated in the training?

We can set up a proportion using the employee to instructor ratio.

The proportion is 18 employees / 2 instructors = x employees / 36 instructors.

Cross-multiplying, we get 2(x) = 18(36).

Simplifying, we have 2x = 648.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find x = 324.

Therefore, there were 324 employees who participated in the training.

A city has 4 new houses for every 7 old houses. If there are 36 new houses in the city, how many old houses are there?

We can set up a proportion using the comparison between new houses and old houses.

The proportion is 4 new houses / 7 old houses = 36 new houses / x old houses.

Cross-multiplying, we get 4(x) = 36(7).

Simplifying, we have 4x = 252.

Dividing both sides by 4, we find x = 63.

Therefore, there are 63 old houses in the city.

A paper company produces 2,000 notebooks in 2 days. How many notebooks can it produce in 10 days?

To find the number of notebooks the paper company can produce in 10 days, we can set up a proportion using the ratio of days to notebooks produced.

The proportion is 2 days / 2000 notebooks = 10 days / x notebooks.

Cross-multiplying, we get 2(x) = 2000(10).

Simplifying, we have 2x = 20000.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find x = 10000.

Therefore, the paper company can produce 10,000 notebooks in 10 days.