What are some ways that an online predator might groom a victim? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

pretending to like the same things and share the victim’s interests
pretending to like the same things and share the victim’s interests - only 2 answers are allowed

behaving responsibly online
behaving responsibly online - only 2 answers are allowed

engaging in sexually explicit conversation
engaging in sexually explicit conversation - only 2 answers are allowed

asking permission before posting photographs

pretending to like the same things and share the victim's interests

behaving responsibly online
engaging in sexually explicit conversation

but i can only pick 2

If you can only pick 2 options, then you should choose "pretending to like the same things and share the victim's interests" and "engaging in sexually explicit conversation" as the ways that an online predator might groom a victim.

The ways that an online predator might groom a victim include pretending to like the same things and share the victim's interests, behaving responsibly online, and engaging in sexually explicit conversation. To get the answer, you can read about the tactics used by online predators in various sources such as articles, books, or websites specializing in internet safety.