Sarah was writing a report about the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska. Sarah included this information about the weather in Fairbanks in her report.

Average Summer Temperature: 64℉
Average Winter Temperature: -10℉
What was the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in ℉?

(1 point)

27 ℉

39 ℉

54 ℉

74 ℉

The difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 74 ℉.

McKenna and Benjamin are competing in a diving competition. McKenna's dive ended -50 m from the starting platform. Benjamin's dive ended -25 m from the starting platform. How many times farther was the end of McKenna's dive than the end of Benjamin's dive?(1 point)






The end of McKenna's dive was 2 times farther from the starting platform than the end of Benjamin's dive.

If the temperature dropped by 36 degrees over 6 hours, how much did the temperature change per hour?(1 point)


-6 ℉

-7 ℉

-42 ℉


The temperature changed by -6 ℉ per hour.

On a given morning, the temperature was 52℉. The temperature dropped 7℉ and then rose 11℉. How much does the temperature need to rise or fall to return to the initial temperature of 52℉?(1 point)


Fall 4℉
Fall 4 ℉

Rise 3℉
Rise 3 ℉

Fall 7℉
Fall 7 ℉

Rise 11℉

The temperature needs to fall 4℉ to return to the initial temperature of 52℉.

Determine which of these illustrates two quantities that combine to make 0.(1 point)


The football player gains 8 yards and then a penalty causes the team to move back 5 yards.
The football player gains 8 yards and then a penalty causes the team to move back 5 yards.

Madisyn spent $5 on a movie ticket and then spent $5 on popcorn.
Madisyn spent $5 on a movie ticket and then spent $5 on popcorn.

Lauryn deposited $20 in her bank account and then used her debit card for $20 on gas.
Lauryn deposited $20 in her bank account and then used her debit card for $20 on gas.

Madalyn gets ten dollars for her allowance and then spends eight dollars at the store.

The football player gains 8 yards and then a penalty causes the team to move back 5 yards illustrates two quantities that combine to make 0.

To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, we need to subtract the winter temperature from the summer temperature.

The average summer temperature is given as 64℉, and the average winter temperature is given as -10℉.

To subtract a negative number, we can add it to the positive number. Therefore, to find the difference between the two, we can add 10℉ to 64℉.

64℉ + 10℉ = 74℉

So, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 74℉.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
