List and describe the important things that each of the first 3 Oklahoma state governors did to help develop our new state

1. Charles N. Haskell (1907-1911):

- Haskell played a crucial role in shaping the structure of the new state government. He actively promoted the Oklahoma Constitution and helped establish the framework for the new state's political, judicial, and educational systems.
- Under his guidance, the state initiated various reforms to improve public education, including the creation of a State Superintendent of Public Instruction position and the establishment of the Oklahoma State School System.
- Haskell also worked towards promoting economic development in the state. He played a pivotal role in attracting investment and industry to Oklahoma, focusing on developing the oil and natural gas industry and improving transportation infrastructure.

2. Lee Cruce (1911-1915):
- One of Cruce's major accomplishments was the establishment of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. This regulatory agency was formed to oversee and regulate utilities, transportation, and other businesses in the state, ensuring fair practices and protecting consumers.
- Cruce was a strong advocate for progressive reforms, including labor rights. He encouraged the enforcement of child labor laws, and during his tenure, the state enacted laws to improve workplace safety and working conditions.
- Additionally, Cruce helped promote agriculture and rural development in Oklahoma. He supported initiatives that provided funding for agricultural research and education, advanced irrigation projects, and improved rural infrastructure, helping to boost the state's economy.

3. Robert L. Williams (1915-1919):
- Williams focused on improving education during his term. He supported the expansion of rural schools, implemented measures to increase teacher salaries, and oversaw the construction of numerous schools across the state.
- A key initiative during Williams' governorship was the creation of Oklahoma's highway system. He championed the establishment of a network of paved roads, connecting rural areas to towns and cities, which greatly improved transportation and boosted economic growth across the state.
- Williams also played a role in improving public health in Oklahoma. He worked towards the establishment of more hospitals and health clinics, particularly in rural areas, and advocated for better healthcare services for children and mothers.

Overall, these early Oklahoma state governors were instrumental in shaping the foundations of the state. They focused on education, infrastructure development, economic growth, and the establishment of systems and agencies to ensure fair governance and protection of citizens, laying the groundwork for the state's future progress and development.