Graph: 74,240 74,200 72,235 71,230 70,220 71,224, 69,224 68,210 68,217.5 67,215 65,205

Is there a relationship between the two sets of data? How do you know? (1 point) Responses Yes, because the data points are not close to the trend line. Yes, because the data points are not close to the trend line. No, because the data points are not close to the trend line. No, because the data points are not close to the trend line. Yes, because the data points are close to the trend line. Yes, because the data points are close to the trend line. No, because the data points are close to the trend line.

No, because the data points are not close to the trend line.

Are you positive?

Apologies for the confusion. Based on the provided options, the correct response would be "No, because the data points are not close to the trend line."

To determine whether there is a relationship between the two sets of data, we can visually analyze the data points on a graph and see if they are close to the trend line.

Looking at the given data points: 74,240 74,200 72,235 71,230 70,220 71,224, 69,224 68,210 68,217.5 67,215 65,205, we can plot them on a graph.

After plotting the data points, we can draw a trend line that represents the general trend or pattern of the data points.

Now, we compare the position of the data points to the trend line. If the data points are not close to the trend line, it suggests that there may not be a strong relationship between the two sets of data. On the other hand, if the data points are close to the trend line, it implies that there is a correlation or relationship between the two sets of data.

Based on the explanation, the correct response would be "No, because the data points are not close to the trend line." This implies that there is no strong relationship between the two sets of data.