what was the date county winner and the significance of the Sullivan’s

Island battle

The Sullivan's Island battle, also known as the Battle of Fort Sullivan, took place on June 28, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. The battle was fought between the Continental Army, led by Colonel William Moultrie, and the British Royal Navy, led by Sir Henry Clinton and Commodore Sir Peter Parker.

The significance of the Sullivan's Island battle was that it was a major victory for the Patriots. The British attempted to capture Charleston, South Carolina by capturing Fort Sullivan located on Sullivan's Island. However, the fort's defenses proved to be formidable, and the Patriots managed to repel the British attack. This victory boosted the morale of the American forces and demonstrated that the British could be defeated, inspiring other colonies to join the cause of the revolution. The Battle of Sullivan's Island also delayed the British invasion of the South and gave the Americans valuable time to strengthen their defenses.