How could a self-directed learner investigate the effects of gravity on objects with different masses? (1 point)

He would decide what object he wanted to investigate, identity resources that could provide needed information,
and figure out what steps to take.
• He would only ask his teacher for ideas about investigating gravity and air resistance
• He would only follow the instructions in his science book.
• He would only join a team that is working on a project about gravity and air resistance

To investigate the effects of gravity on objects with different masses, a self-directed learner could follow these steps:

1. Decide on the specific object(s) to investigate: The learner should choose different objects with varying masses. For example, he could choose a lightweight object like a feather, a medium-weight object like a tennis ball, and a heavier object like a book.

2. Identify resources for information: The learner should gather information on gravity and its effects on objects with different masses. He can use various resources like books, scientific websites, online articles, or educational videos. These resources can provide information on the principles of gravity, how it affects objects with different masses, and any factors like air resistance that could influence the experiment.

3. Design an experiment: With the gathered information, the learner can design an experiment to test the effects of gravity on objects with different masses. The experiment should include steps to control any variables that could potentially impact the results, such as air resistance. If the learner wants additional ideas about investigating gravity and air resistance, he can consult his teacher for guidance.

4. Conduct the experiment: Follow the instructions in the science book and the experimental design created earlier to carry out the investigation. Ensure that any necessary safety precautions are taken.

5. Observe and record the results: During the experiment, the learner should carefully observe and record any relevant data or measurements. This could include the time it takes for the objects to fall, the distance covered, or any other variables deemed important.

6. Analyze the data and draw conclusions: After collecting the data, the learner should organize and analyze it to draw conclusions. This can involve comparing the behavior of different objects with varying masses and identifying patterns, trends, or relationships between mass and the effects of gravity.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, the self-directed learner can successfully investigate the effects of gravity on objects with different masses.