Which term best fits in the box labeled with the number 2?

(1 point)

Limited Government
Limited Government

Consent of the Governed
Consent of the Governed

Representative Government
Representative Government

Rule of law
Rule of law
Question 2

To determine which term best fits in the box labeled with the number 2, you can analyze the given options and consider their definitions.

Option 1: Limited Government - This term refers to a government that has restricted powers and operates within specific boundaries set by a constitution or law.

Option 2: Consent of the Governed - This term indicates that the authority of the government is derived from the consent or agreement of the people it governs.

Option 3: Representative Government - This term describes a system in which the citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

Option 4: Rule of law - This term refers to the principle that the government and its officials are subject to and must abide by the law, just like any other citizen. It also means that laws are fair, reasonable, and applied equally to everyone.

Considering the definitions of the given options, the term that best fits in the box labeled with the number 2 is "Consent of the Governed." This term emphasizes the idea that a government's power comes from the agreement and support of the people it governs.