let me now take a more conference of you and morniu in the most selling Manor against the band for effects of the spirit of party. Generally, the spirit, unfortunately is inseparable from our nature having its route, and the strongest passions of human mind exist under a different shapes, in all government, more or less, the full control or repress, but in those of the popular form, it is seen in the greatest rightness, and it is truly their worst enemy. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms. Kindles the animosity of one part against another in the foments occasionally riot i and insurrection, it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption. Witchfinder facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passion does the policy in the world with one country are subjected to the policy in the will of another George Washington's farewell address. What does the excerpt say about George Washington's views political parties?A the nation should embrace more than one party, so the government represents different perspectives.B political parties may lead to unrest in American communities.C leaders of foreign nations, couldn't take different advantage of political parties. D with several political parties, foreign countries with post less of a threat

Based on the excerpt, the correct answer is B) political parties may lead to unrest in American communities. The excerpt highlights Washington's belief that the spirit of party (referring to political parties) can agitate communities, create false alarms and animosity, and even lead to riots and insurrection. Thus, Washington views political parties as potentially disruptive and harmful to the nation. The excerpt does not directly address embracing multiple parties or the threat posed by foreign countries.