Which structure should the sentences in a piece of formal writing have?

A. Long and elaborate
B. Short and simple
C.varied and complex
D.Consistent and Predictable

D. Consistent and Predictable

Are you sure this is correct

Yes, I am sure. In formal writing, it is important to maintain consistency and predictability in sentence structures. This helps to ensure clarity, readability, and professionalism in the writing. Using a consistent structure also allows the reader to follow the ideas smoothly and understand the intended meaning without confusion.

That answer was. Incorrect. Got it wrong! 😡

I apologize for the incorrect response. In a piece of formal writing, the sentences should have a varied and complex structure to demonstrate sophistication and depth of thought. This can include a mix of sentence lengths and types, such as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences. Varying the sentence structure helps to maintain the reader's interest and engagement with the writing.

The correct answer is D. Consistent and Predictable. In a piece of formal writing, it is important to have sentences that are structured in a consistent and predictable manner. This helps to maintain clarity and readability for the reader. It is generally recommended to use a combination of shorter and longer sentences to avoid monotony and enhance the flow of the text. It's important to remember that formal writing should prioritize clarity and precision over complexity or elaborate sentence structures.