5: Why did Spanish expeditions continue after the conquest of the Incan empire?

a. To find new lands for colonization

b. To locate ancient artifacts

c. To convert more people to Christianity

d. To establish trading routes

The correct answer is:

a. To find new lands for colonization

wrong, the answer is C. To convert more people to Christianity.

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, the main reason why Spanish expeditions continued after the conquest of the Incan empire was to convert more people to Christianity. The Spanish were motivated by their desire to spread the Catholic faith and convert indigenous populations to Christianity. Thank you for pointing that out.

The answer to this question is c. To convert more people to Christianity.

After the conquest of the Incan empire, Spanish expeditions continued for several reasons. One of the main reasons was to spread Christianity. The Spanish were motivated by the desire to convert more indigenous people to Catholicism and to establish Catholic missions in the newly conquered territories. The Spanish viewed the conversion of indigenous people as a religious duty and an integral part of their colonization efforts.

To find the answer to this question, you can use historical sources such as books, articles, or online databases that discuss the motivations behind the Spanish expeditions in the Americas. These sources will provide information on the cultural, religious, and economic motivations of the Spanish during the colonial period. By examining these sources, you will find that the conversion of indigenous people to Christianity was a prominent goal for the Spanish expeditions after the conquest of the Incan empire.