Compare and contrast Patriots and Loyalists. You should identify at least ONE difference (something unique to the Patriots and something unique to the Loyalists) and ONE similarity.




Both Patriots and Loyalists were colonists living in America during the time of the American Revolution.


Difference: One unique characteristic of the Patriots was their desire for independence from British rule. They believed in the ideals of liberty, self-governance, and individual rights. Patriots were willing to fight for their independence and form a new nation separate from Britain.

Similarity: Similar to the Loyalists, the Patriots also believed in the importance of maintaining their rights and freedoms. While they had differing opinions on who should govern them, both groups valued their individual and collective rights, albeit with different ideas on how those rights should be protected and exercised.


Difference: Something unique to the Loyalists was their loyalty to the British crown and their desire to maintain British control over the American colonies. Loyalists believed in the benefits of remaining under British rule, such as the protection of British military forces, economic stability, and the continuation of British cultural and political influence in America.

Similarity: Similar to the Patriots, the Loyalists also wanted to preserve their rights as English subjects. They believed that staying loyal to the British crown would ensure the protection of their traditional rights and privileges granted to them as colonial subjects. Both groups recognized the importance of maintaining their rights, but differed in their views on how to achieve and preserve those rights.