How does the Talmud show that studying Jewish sacred writings is an important part of Judaism? make sure you make the answer in two to three sentences not more

The Talmud emphasizes the importance of studying Jewish sacred writings through its extensive discussions and debates about various religious laws, traditions, and ethical teachings. It serves as a primary source of Jewish legal and moral guidance, encouraging adherents to engage in continuous study and interpretation to deepen their understanding and connection to the faith.

make the answer shorten and also if I use the answer u are giving on a test will it be plagiarized

The Talmud underscores the significance of studying Jewish sacred writings through extensive discussions and debates on religious laws, traditions, and ethics. It encourages continuous study to deepen understanding and connection to the faith. Regarding plagiarism, the responsibility lies with the user to ensure proper citation and avoid any potential ethical concerns.

The Talmud, a central text in Judaism, emphasizes the importance of studying Jewish sacred writings through its own structure and content. It consists of two components: the Mishnah, which compiles oral laws, and the Gemara, which provides analysis and commentary. By devoting considerable attention to studying and discussing Jewish laws and traditions, the Talmud underscores the significance of sacred writings in guiding Jewish thought, practice, and religious education.