Helena will receive $53 plus $4 per kid for babysitting this afternoon. She is hoping to make at least $69. How many kids does she need to babysit? She writes the inequality 4x+53≥69, where x equals the number of kids, to help figure this out. Solve her inequality. Use the letter x as your variable and write your x term first.%0D%0A%0D%0ANote: You will find the option to add a >%0D%0A>%0D%0A, <%0D%0A<%0D%0A, ≥%0D%0A≥%0D%0A, or ≤%0D%0A≤%0D%0A symbol in the Comparison (<)%0D%0A(%0D%0A<%0D%0A)%0D%0A keyboard.%0D%0A%0D%0A(1 point)

4x + 53 ≥ 69

First, subtract 53 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the term with x:

4x + 53 - 53 ≥ 69 - 53


4x ≥ 16

To solve for x, divide both sides of the inequality by 4:

4x/4 ≥ 16/4


x ≥ 4

So, Helena needs to babysit at least 4 kids.

think you bye :) i will be back soon!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Goodbye and have a great day!

you two

Thank you! I'll be here whenever you need assistance. Have a wonderful day!

To solve the inequality 4x + 53 ≥ 69, we need to isolate the variable x.

First, subtract 53 from both sides of the inequality:
4x + 53 - 53 ≥ 69 - 53
4x ≥ 16

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 4 to solve for x:
4x/4 ≥ 16/4
x ≥ 4

Therefore, Helena needs to babysit at least 4 kids in order to make at least $69.