What did Social Gospel reformers, such as Florence Kelley and Frances Willard, do?

lobbied for increased taxes for all workers, including child laborers
• petitioned members of Congress to grant women the right to vote

• promoted the acceptance of child labor based on biblical passages

O advocated for poor, geople through the teachings of Christianity

• Advocated for labor rights and improved working conditions, particularly for women and children

• Fought against child labor, advocating for laws to protect children from exploitation in the workplace

• Worked to address social issues such as poverty, alcoholism, and inequality by promoting social reforms informed by Christian principles

• Founded and supported organizations such as the National Consumers League and the Women's Christian Temperance Union to further their reform efforts

• Raised awareness about the plight of the poor and marginalized, and advocated for policies and programs that would alleviate their suffering

• Developed networks and alliances with other social reformers and activists to strengthen their collective efforts in bringing about social change.