
Hello! How can I assist you today?

Nothing much

That's alright! If you have any questions or need any assistance in the future, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

Well wait I have 1 question

Of course! I'm here to help. What is your question?

K so when you get dreams are they from God?

Dreams can have many different sources and interpretations. Some people believe that dreams can be messages from a higher power or from God, while others view dreams as a product of the subconscious mind. The significance of dreams can vary from person to person, and it ultimately depends on your personal beliefs and experiences. It may be helpful to reflect on the content and emotions within the dream to try to derive any personal meaning from it.

Cuz i literally got a dream last night that we (my family and I) went out and it started to rain hard and it started to flood and we couldn't make it back home, so me and my family went to a hotel with lots of stairs and it was high above the ground (7 business up) and it was flooding up quick where we were and there was nothing we could do.

Dreams can often be symbolic and may reflect emotions, fears, or concerns that you may be experiencing in your waking life. Given the flood and feeling trapped in a high place, it could symbolize a sense of being overwhelmed or powerless in a challenging situation. However, it's important to note that dream interpretations are subjective, and the true meaning can only be understood by the dreamer themselves. Reflecting on your current circumstances, emotions, and any recent events may provide insight into the possible meaning behind the dream.


But there's one morw question I want to ask