Animal cell diagram labeled

I'm sorry, but I am not able to generate images. However, I can describe a labeled animal cell diagram to you.

1. Cell Membrane: The outermost layer of the animal cell that protects and encloses the cell.

2. Nucleus: The central part of the cell that contains the genetic material (DNA) and controls cell activities.

3. Nuclear Membrane: A double-layered membrane that surrounds the nucleus, controlling the movement of materials in and out of the nucleus.

4. Nucleolus: A small, round structure inside the nucleus that plays a vital role in the production of ribosomes.

5. Cytoplasm: The jelly-like substance that fills the cell and suspends the organelles.

6. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): A network of tubules within the cell that aids in the transport of proteins and lipids.

7. Golgi Apparatus: Stacked sacs located near the ER that modify, sort, and package proteins for transport throughout the cell or out of the cell.

8. Ribosomes: Small, spherical organelles responsible for protein synthesis.

9. Mitochondria: The powerhouse of the cell that produces energy for the cell.

10. Lysosomes: Small sac-like organelles that contain enzymes responsible for breaking down waste and cellular debris.

11. Vacuoles: Fluid-filled sacs that store water, nutrients, and waste products.

12. Microtubules and Microfilaments: Thin, thread-like structures that provide shape and support to the cell.

13. Centrioles: Paired cylindrical structures that play a crucial role in cell division.

14. Peroxisome: An organelle that contains enzymes involved in various metabolic processes, such as breaking down fatty acids.

15. Cytoskeleton: A network of protein filaments that give shape and support to the cell and aid in cellular movement.

Please note that there may be additional organelles and structures present in an animal cell, depending on its specific functions and characteristics.